Clive Mugabe
EngineerClive is a Civil Engineer with four years experience in Site Supervision, Preparation of B.O.Qs, Environment Health and Safety and Monitoring and Evaluation in turn key Projects. He has experience with Organizations like Junazu Uganda Ltd as Projects Engineer, Tusk Engineers and Starlite Engineers. The major projects handled include: Renovations of Kobil Nalukologo Filling Station, Construction of Storm Water Drain for K.C.C, Construction of Classroom blocks at Nsambya for K.C.C, Refurbishing Triton Petroleum Uganda Ltd head offices and Construction of Delta filling station Kasindi in D.R.C.
Education Record
- Kyambogo University 2002 to 2003 Higher Dip. In Civil Engineering.
- Kyambogo University 2000 to 2001 Ord. Dip. In Civil Engineering
Other Certificates
- MS Office
- AutoCAD
- +44 (0) 123 456 7891
- support@plumbers.com